Jan. 12, 2021

Sharmila solocast

Sharmila solocast

Happy New Year!
This week, I am the confident healer! Muhaahahahaaaaa, it's my show so I can do what I want!
Here is your invitation to this solocast, where I reflect on some of the things that the pandemic taught me. These were: forgiveness, f...

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The Confident Healer


Happy New Year!

This week, I am the confident healer! Muhaahahahaaaaa, it's my show so I can do what I want!


Here is your invitation to this solocast, where I reflect on some of the things that the pandemic taught me. These were: forgiveness, finding my voice and expressing myself in a more public way *cough* The Confident Healer podcast cough*, and figuring out how to deal with your loved ones when you have opposing political viewpoints. I mean we are all humans living on this planet, we have to help each other. 

I also miss hugs. The other major lesson last year taught me even more so is the power of touch.  I get hugs from my partner and our cats, and I miss hugging all my loved ones, too. *sigh* Soon, it will happen.

I had my ups and downs, and had plenty of time to reflect, grow, retract, grow, reflect…well, you get the picture. Honestly, there were some deep pitfalls than I had experienced in a couple of years, but I found a way to climb out. 

Part of climbing out was *not* turning off my phone, staying in touch, seeing uplifting posts, and seeing friends in the safest way possible.  And getting many covid tests. I have never swabbed my nostrils and sinus cavity (in some cases) so many times like I did last year.  It's not over so I expect to get more nasal penetration until we are all somewhat safe and immune.

I do hope you are all well and have found some sort of refuge from the chaos happening in our country. Turn off the news, close your laptops and get outside-- weather permitting of course!

And if you can get outside, take me along with you, and allow me to add a pep in your step, and let you know that we all struggle and we all recover. Find your light and shine bright, my friends, shine so bright other people shine, too.

Much love.

About your hostess, Sharmila Mali: She is a Self-Love expert helping women get over their ex and guides healers to find their unique gifts. She is an Intuitive Consultant, Reiki Master Teacher, and hosts this podcast, The Confident Healer where she has uplifting and soulful conversations with other healerpreneurs about having confidence in their business.  You can find out more about her healing work by visiting: www.ojaireiki.com. Instagram: sharmila_the_self_love_expert/

Facebook: Intuitive-Consulting-with-Sharmila, Instagram: @sharmila_the_self_love_expert,

Music: New Day by Tokyo Music Walker Stream & Download : https://fanlink.to/tmw_new_day​ Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0, Tokyo Music Walker: https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060  Special effects dramatic clip by: Beetlemuse, https://beetlemuse.bandcamp.com/, https://freesound.org/s/533506/Elevator music by Jay_You  http://www.stonefree.de https://freesound.org/s/460432/, Produced and Edited by Sharmila Mali

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