I am back from my week-long break from The Confident Healer podcast. This week’s episode is my solo cast. I have been thinking about making a solo cast about my bff’s mother since her online celebration of life I attended in early March.
One of my...
I am back from my week-long break from The Confident Healer podcast. This week’s episode is my solo cast. I have been thinking about making a solo cast about my bff’s mother since her online celebration of life I attended in early March.
One of my bff’s mother passed away in the hospital after battling covid, she must have been there for a month. In the episode I used fictitious names to protect their privacy, so when you hear “Clara” that is my bff’s mom.
She had quite the impact on me, she used to always say, “I am blessed” whenever you asked how she was doing. And I never understood what that meant until years and year later, like over a decade later.
When I was writing the script for this episode I must’ve cried a couple of times, even while editing it days later. I guess it’s part of the grieving process. After I finished recording this episode, I drove to the grocery store and on KCRW one of the interviews was about Karla Funderburk’s origami memorial crane project. She started making origami cranes last year for every person that died of Covid. Maybe you remember that story because it made the national news last year and then earlier tonight on KCRW. I guess part of the project is people left voicemails and emails that memorialized their loved ones. It was so hearbreaking to hear their stories. I was crying when I parked the car when I got to the grocery store. And I cried on the way home.
Also, March 15, is @fairygodmothergeorgie birthday! It’s a big one, too 70, so please wish her a happy birthday, it doesn’t matter if you see this after the 15th, she will still love birthday wishes!
About me, Sharmila Mali, I am a healer, and for the past 15 years or so, most of my clients have been women, who want to get over their ex. I use different modalities to help women get over their ex and I also teach intuitive energy healing and Reiki.
Sharmila Mali contact: www.ojaireiki.com, Instagram: sharmila_the_self_love_expert, FB: Intuitive Consulting with Sharmila
Music: New Day by Tokyo Music Walker Stream & Download: https://fanlink.to/tmw_new_day Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0, Tokyo Music Walker: https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060
Edited and produced by Sharmila Mali
Links mentioned: Wish Fairy Godmother Georgie happy birthday (March 15). Instagram: @fairygodmothergeorgie
Karla Funderburk, Memorial Crane Project www.memorialcraneproject.org
Music: New Day by Tokyo Music Walker Stream & Download: https://fanlink.to/tmw_new_day Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0, Tokyo Music Walker: https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060
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