Jan. 4, 2021

Lotus Sky--Music Channel and Shamanic Guide

Lotus Sky--Music Channel and Shamanic Guide

Happy New Year!!!  If you are reading this, you made it! Congratulations!!!! For real, we got through it so let’s pat ourselves on the back and celebrate with a new episode with this week's confident healer, Lotus Sky.
Trust. surrender. Deep conne...

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The Confident Healer


Happy New Year!!!  If you are reading this, you made it! Congratulations!!!! For real, we got through it so let’s pat ourselves on the back and celebrate with a new episode with this week's confident healer, Lotus Sky.

Trust. surrender. Deep connection. Domesticated. Full expression as you are in the world, unwavering commitment. Disney movies. Being the hero of your life. Catholicism. Estrangement, Empowerment. No, it’s not just about 2020, these words are directly transcribed from this week’s potent guest.  And at the end, when I asked her for any parting words of wisdom about confidence, she gave us a special channeled experience, it will blow the socks of your soul!!   

Lotus Sky is a music channel and shamanic guide, who was born and raised in the Philippines.  Through her study with different shamanic lineages, training in multiple healing and transformational modalities, as well as connecting to her star and earth guides to channel Light Language, she helps people cultivate Self-Mastery as Illuminated Leaders so that they may create a life of impact, freedom and spiritual fulfillment.

She has been called Nature Spirit, a Cosmic Channel, and Earth Angel.  Her voice brings profound healing, and her shamanic offerings are truly transmissions from beyond the veil.

To learn more about Earth Warrior School that begins in March, tinyurl.com/earthwarriorschool to book a free appointment. 





tinyurl.com/earthwarriorschool link only open when Lotus Sky is enrolling please check on her site   Music: New Day by Tokyo Music Walker Stream & Download : https://fanlink.to/tmw_new_day​ Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0, Tokyo Music Walker: https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060 , Produced and Edited by Sharmila Mali

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