This was such a lively chat with a lively and lovely person. It was filled with so many profound paradigm shifts, at one point, my mind was blown with her take on the well-used aphorism: "feel the fear and do it anyway!"
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This was such a lively chat with a lively and lovely person. It was filled with so many profound paradigm shifts, at one point, my mind was blown with her take on the well-used aphorism: "feel the fear and do it anyway!"
You may be able to relate to her when she talks about her old, soul-sucking job, a place filled with toxicity and faking it till you make it. But what happens when you look put together on the outside, but on the inside, you feel anxious and unworthy?
Well, you follow your intuition and honor the person you were meant to be, and her intuition led her to help people find their voice and be in alignment with their business using a tool called Human Design. Find out what Human design is and how she handles confidence and fear as a healerpreneur.
Kendra is the author of 2 books: “The 7-Step Morning Manifestation Guide” and “Mind Boss Habits, 12 Steps to Getting out of Your Head and Into Action”. And she is a contributing author to the Amazon bestselling book, “Girl Get Up And Win.”
She is the founder of Kendra Woods International, LLC and Soulful Success By Design where she guides female heart-centered coaches, leaders, healers, and service providers towards authentic alignment in business and life through Human Design. She loves guiding women towards their truth so that they can feel good in business and life.
She works with women who are ambitious, driven, determined, multi-passionate, and ready to take their business and life to the next level.
She is able to help women achieve a new reality for themselves through her Human Design Coaching, online group programs, and private coaching experiences.
Kendra holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Kendra worked in the corporate world for over 10 years and so she combines her practical business knowledge with intuitive based wisdom to guide her clients.
We talked about Human Design, go here, www.prosperityalignment.com to get your complimentary body graph (chart). Once you figure out your type, you can look it up on Youtube to understand what means. Have fun!
Contact info: www.kendrakaywoods.com kendra@kendrakaywoods.com IG & FB: @SoulfulSuccessByDesign,
Music: New Day by Tokyo Music Walker Stream & Download : https://fanlink.to/tmw_new_day Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0, Tokyo Music Walker: https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060 , Produced and Edited by Sharmila Mali
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