Remember how 2020 started--new year, new hope? For this week’s guest, Jonita D’souza, it was filled with adventure. She and her husband sold their belongings, gave up their flat in England and started their travels.
Jonita sensed change was in the a...
Remember how 2020 started--new year, new hope? For this week’s guest, Jonita D’souza, it was filled with adventure. She and her husband sold their belongings, gave up their flat in England and started their travels.
Jonita sensed change was in the air, and followed that intuitive hit. Little did she know that the rona was also in the air. They got stuck in their first destination, India when the world started going into lockdown. Luckily, she was in a familiar setting with her husband, in her hometown in India. She kept her business going while making a new home in her childhood home.
Her take on self-trust and self-confidence gave me something to really think about. For Jonita, it was a drain of her lifeforce to build self-confidence, so she worked on building self-trust. She also talks about tapping into your womb space to fill yourself with energy and creativity. This was such a beautiful and much-needed convo right now…take a listen!
Jonita D’souza is a Feminine Lifestylist, an Author and Creatress of Exploring Femininity Ltd., assisting modern-day busy women who struggle with burn-out, overwhelm, and body love to reconnect with their feminine and sensual energy using the ancient Taoist and Tantric arts so that they can create a lifestyle that is fulfilling, nurturing and pleasurable.
She is also a certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist and combines the teachings of Indian feminine mysticism and shamanism in her work, facilitating monthly moon circles, online workshops, and sacred feminine retreats.
Topics discussed:
-Pandemic pivots while she has been stuck in India
-Uncovering and realizing there is more to heal while she has been living in her old hometown
-The two main techniques she has used to get her through the pandemic and the huge transition she is still experiencing
-How she says people confuse confidence and self-trust
-Learning how to use her own energy, needing rest which helps her be more creative
-How she learned how to tap into her womb to build self-trust
-How she doesn’t always feel confident when leading a course or retreat
-How she trusts herself and feels more in the flow
-How she doesn’t mind making mistakes because it’s part of the process
-The importance for women to get in touch with their womb space to heal past traumas
-How healing those past traumas lead to more love, creativity, freedom and a more natural way of being
-How a healthy balance of masculine and feminine energy contributes to a woman’s life force
-Advice to learn to tune into your womb to find self-trust and self-love
-Offers a free 7-day course: https://mailchi.mp/exploringfemininity/sensualize-your-womb
Guest Contact:
Jonita D'souza: jonitadsouza.com FB: @exploringfemininity www.youtube.com/channel/UC6UoCyuUA5J8hWcLGc2yUow
About the Hostess:
Sharmila Mali, in case you didn’t know, is a Self-Love Expert, intuitive healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Akashic Records Reader (in addition to being a podcaster) and for the past 15 years or so, most of her clients have been women, who want to get over their ex. She also teaches intuitive energy healing and Reiki.
Sharmilamali.com for more information about my work.
FB: @Intuitive-Consulting-with-Sharmila IG: @sharmila_the_self_love_expert
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Intro and Outro Music: The Joker produced by Danya Vodovoz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz2XCAr0rc0&list=PLq4r2IOXma9DSwR-JOVaCm3uqYrqwhV1x&index=26 Royalty Free Music.
Produced by Sharmila Mali
Edited by Chris Jessup
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