July 17, 2023

Ask the Akashic Record Series Part 4

Ask the Akashic Record Series Part 4

This week, I continue with my Ask the Akashic Record series, this is part four. In this series, I give an akashic record reading with question from listeners like you! This week the majority of question came from the subreddit /akashicrecords.
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The Confident Healer

This week, I continue with my Ask the Akashic Record series, this is part four. In this series, I give an akashic record reading with question from listeners like you! This week the majority of question came from the subreddit /akashicrecords.

For a group reading, I opened the Founders of the Akashic Records to get their take on these exciting questions!

Here are the questions from the subreddit /asktheakashicrecords

Also this: I’d like to particularly know what physical skill of mine is it in this life time that’ll help guide me towards fulfilling my souls purpose

I would like to know what my gift(s) are?

I would like to know how to find peace and enjoy my life without worrying all the time?

From an akashic perspective, what does eating humanly raised meat look like energetically?

I would like to know what is my purpose? And how exactly I can fulfil it?

These questions from my friends:

When is the best time for transformational change?

How can I find a stable income and when will I get married?

My question: How can I get my cat Sabrina acclimated to the new ceiling fan?

If you'd like to get answers to some burning questions, please send me an email at info@ojaireiki.com.  I do the Ask the Akashic Records series regularly. 

For a transcript, please go to my website, theconfidenthealer.net to this episode for the transcript. 


About the Hostess:
Sharmila Mali is a Self-Love Expert, intuitive healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Akashic Records Reader (in addition to being a podcaster) and for the past 20 years or so, she has been teaching Reiki and Intuitive Energy Healing called The Confident Healer Reiki Training, a 9 month online program that trains healers how to accept and develop their intuitive healing gifts.

FB: @SharmilaTheSelfLoveExpert IG: @sharmilatheselfloveexpert 

Support the Confident Healer:
-DONATE, become a patron and donate one time or monthly, it's easy, www.theconfidenthealer.net/support
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Music and Sound Effects Credits:
Intro and Outro Music: The Joker produced by Danya Vodovoz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz2XCAr0rc0&list=PLq4r2IOXma9DSwR-JOVaCm3uqYrqwhV1x&index=26  Royalty Free Music.

Sound effects courtesy of Descript and YouTube free audio effects, music.

Local Forecast - Elevator by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/ Promoted by MrSnooze    • Elevator Music I ...   Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5

Casa Bossa Nova ⭳ https://goo.gl/snon8U Casa Bossa Nova by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/ Promoted by MrSnooze    • Elevator Music I ...   Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5

Produced & Edited by Sharmila Mali



Ask the Akashic Record Series P4

 Hello, and welcome to the confident healer podcast. I'm Sharmilla Mali. I'm a self love expert, an intuitive healer, and also your hostess for this podcast. You are about to hear inspirational, uplifting and soulful conversations about the ins and outs of having confidence, maintaining self love and sanity.

As we answer the calling of being a healer and running a business. I would really appreciate it if you could help me grow this podcast by telling others about it and by becoming a patron by donating monthly or giving a generous one time donation. When you donate, it lets me know that you love what I'm doing and by donating, you are supporting me, a healer running a small business.

You can find the PayPal link on the confidenthealer. net. And in every show note. So thank you so much for being here and let's get on with the show.

Hello, and welcome back to the confident healer. My name is Sharmila Mali and I am the founder of the nine month. Confident healer Reiki training program. Starts in the fall. And I'm back doing my Akashic record series. This is part four. So. About a few months ago, I went on to Reddit, one of my favorite places to go.

And they have a subreddit call it Akashic records. And I asked if anyone would like to give me questions. So this is, these are from some of the Redditors that responded. And so I I've, I'm doing a reading of the, I opened the records of the founders of the Akashic records. And instead of in the past, I've done readings where I've did the reading beforehand and wrote them.

My answers and then read them. And this time I'm just doing it. While recording. So let's go the first question here. And let's see.

So one Redditor asked: "I'd like to particularly know what physical skill of mine is it in this lifetime, that'll help guide me towards fulfilling my soul's purpose."

So. Let's see.

Gift of gab is what, the first thing that comes up is.

You're a great conversationalist.

You enjoy talking to people.

So naturally, something to do with having these conversations. So. One ,one is pointing me to podcast. To tell you about podcasting. And then I'm also getting…like, working for the radio or working for TV, getting a talk show. Because you also like to help people.

So being able to help people using your physical attributes of working with your intellect, your empathy and your throat.


So that's what I'm getting for you is…

Yeah, talking to people, you could start out with a YouTube channel. And going out and interviewing people on the street is what I'm getting. So


Yeah, that's all I'm getting for that question. All right.

So," I would like" the next question is: "I would like to know what my gifts are."

And I put the username on here.

So that it can connect to that person.

Art is what I'm getting. Any kind of art, any type of medium.

Because again, it's about expression. Self-expression.

And if you are... kind of afraid to pursue... What I'm seeing is they're showing me pottery. If you haven't had a chance to do it, or it's been a while since you've done it to get back into it.

Maybe study under some people.

Also painting, painting, uh, pieces as well, painting pottery pieces, but also painting art. Doing, using a brush too on a canvas or some sort of mixed media.

Also maybe later on like art therapy. Um, using art as therapy for, for other people. I'm seeing kids like maybe working with you'll work with kids later on in life.

Doing art therapy.

And I see, I dunno, I see a bunch of like, little kids with pain, all there, all over their hands and paper. And, um, and you smiling. Cause it's like the biggest joy in the world.

But definitely look at, look into ceramics, doing pottery again or starting, if you, if you have been thinking about doing pottery.

And I'm not getting anything else.

Okay. So let's go to the next question.

" I would like to know how to find peace and enjoy my life without worrying all the time." Great question.

They're showing me..

Getting into a body of water. Like a lake ,floating peacefully.

In a gentle stream.

Taking baths.

A lot, lots of water. I'm seeing.

Even doing meditation with, something to do with like sailing or...

sitting by a shore and watching the water. Um, it's a great visualization for you to help you

have something tangible. And something that you like.

Because that seems to... water lapping up has a hypnotic effect. And especially for you, that just sort of takes you, into a present moment state of mind instead of the worry.

And also to get help for that because you can stop worrying. You just have to retrain your brain on how to.

So one of the things they're saying is like hypnotherapy. Um, there's lots of great therapy... somatic psychology to help you be more in your body, less than your head and to give you great activities to do to retrain your brain to stop going into worrying mode. And going into a peaceful mode, a calm mode. Uh, being more in the present moment.

And what they bring to my mind is Eckhart Tolle.

The power of now.

They're allowing me to interject my thoughts, that it was such a great book that helped me really get into learning how to be in the present moment, just by reading his book, somehow his transmission and energy coming from the book just... I was able to extrapolate it and it really. Really helped me to understand how I can be more present in my life. Um, for myself. Because I used to be a warrior to. Uh, warrior warrior.

And another thing too. They're letting me interject is . When I first moved to LA, I was really stressed out. It was, I was hard for me to sit still, and that was not the way I was before. I used to, I would meditate and chant, om. And that really helped me quiet my mind. I did that like every night and in the morning for like, you know, I started with five, 10 minutes and I would go on to 20, 30 minutes just chanting "om" over and over again.

And do it in a way that resonates with you. So it could be like, ommmmm just really short or long. ommmmmmmmmmmmmm..

I just, oh God, just feeling that vibration in my body "om" just really, gets me into a presence. Um, It makes me be in the now. And just is very soothing.

So, let's see if there's anything else that they have to say. Cause those were my interjections. That's not from the founders of the Akashic records. Um, let's see if they have anything else to say.

They also say grounding to that's why they, they, they're telling you to... if you can't get to a body of water, the bathtub works because that's, that's still an element of the earth.

But meditating or it's just sitting on the ground anywhere in a park. Some work clean, preferably probably. Um, but sitting on the ground, putting your bare feet and hands on the ground. And if you can just putting a sheet down, and laying on the ground.

Asking, how can I find more peace?

Is a great activity for you to become more peaceful and less worry. It is a practice. It may not happen overnight. But with enough practice of chanting or meditating sitting on the, just taking a book or, um, don't get on your phone and watch a movie or video, just looking up at the sky or the tree while you're laying on the earth is enough. Five minutes, 10 minutes, to give you a sense of inner peace and calm and absorbing in a more conscious way, the earth energy, and letting the earth recycle any excess energy that you have, which is a lot of worry.

So, yes, they recommend seeing a, some ,sort of counselor, a somatic psychologist they're recommending. That just means they're with their body it's body-based psychology. So using your body to find where stresses and they guide you through that process because it's just, uh, it's just about retraining your brain. Also going to hypnotherapists, too.

Okay. Let's see. Great question. All right.

Here's a great, another great question: "from an Akashic perspective, what does eating humanely raised meat look like energetically?"


Well, your're...

You're participant. So it's participating in a cycle of life and energetically, you know, you're taking on the energy of that animal.

Depending on how much it's been processed. So if it's straight from the farm to the farmer's market. Fresh you slaughtered it yourself or somebody else slaughtered it.

You're taking more of that energy on. Versus buying meat at the grocery store, which has gone through a lot of hands. And at that point, energetically, they're saying there's not... it's just sort of a, it has an energy, but it's not really. Distinct. There's, there's not much energy that you're taking on.

be cause it's ..It's been passed through so many hands.

What I'm getting is, um, I'm being shown. It's kind of like, I don't know if anybody knows. Or remembers, or as old enough to know what Pac-Man, the video game was this little circle that had a mouth. That would just eat dots. So it's just showing me kind of like a Russian doll set, you know? So you have, let's say a cow eating grass. Maybe it has little bugs on it, a little microscopic bacteria is eating that and then your eating the cow.

So it's just showing me just like,

I dunno a cycle. I don't know how, I don't know how to describe it. Just like Pac-Man just, Pac-Man eats the eats a little dot and then something bigger. Eats the Pac-Man. And nothing is eating the human being. Except your own stress.

But they're showing that you, you know, eating humanely, raised meat, coming fresh from the farmer's market even has a couple of hands that it goes through, right? Because they usually send it to someone else to, to butcher it and package it. And then just giving it to their salespeople to go and sell it at, you know, your local farmer's market.

So the energy is a little bit brighter then buying conventionally raised meats in a grocery store that's mass produced.

And they're saying, if you want to add more energy, just blessing the meat and being grateful for the animal, to give up their life and the people that are, if a have raised it and all the hands that it passed to get to your plate. And that brings in a beautiful energy that you can ingest.

But there's not really, they're not showing me anything like, other than saying, it's just, it's a cycle of life on earth. Um, that, omnivores, carnivores have to kill, you have to kill the animal to eat it. Whether it's someone hunting or like an animal-- prey animals.

And human being top predators.

They're saying it's definitely different from a hunter going out and killing its own meat than a consumer, obviously... going to the market and buying meat. It's and there's more of a connection. The work that goes into hunting and getting the gear and the knowledge and you know, dragging the animal back and you know, doing processing the meat skinning, and butchering. Storing.

It brings a different energy and energy, more of appreciation and closer to a natural cycle of hunter, hunter, and gatherers. Um, an ancient way of, of life that humans have subsisted on since humans could develop tools and hunt animals.

 Eating humanely raised meat, giving gratitude will, definitely add to the, I don't want to say it's not dead. It's just a flat line. You know, there's nothing. It's just, there's no flavor, let's say energetically. There's nothing energetically that you're pulling from the meat, even though others might tell you differently.

But at that point, when you're eating meat that you bought from a store from a farmer's market, which has less people involved than a big corporation that does mass production of, of meat.

That, buying it locally has a cleaner type of energy, than it would from, if you bought it from a grocery store, like Tyson chicken or something.

It's an interesting, interesting question. I'm not getting anything else.

But yeah, there's no. They're not showing any colors. It's so sort of colorless. It's like vapor. The energy is. Vaporous not vapid. But. There's really no energy in it.

Other than the energy of what humans have always done.

And it's just a easier, more convenient way for most people to buy meat in the store, then going out into the wild and going to someone's backyard.

Stealing someone's chicken to eat it. So, yeah, that's all I'm getting for that. So thanks for that question.

And someone asked, I would like to know what is my purpose and how exactly I can fulfill it.

Okay. So I had to go back and get the, I wanted to get the username of that person. So I could, so we could connect to it, to that person. Okay. I would like to know what is my purpose and how exactly I can fulfill it.

Hm. It's interesting. A lot of these people must be empathic, I guess that's why they're on the subreddit. Um, yeah, your purpose is to help people.


It's interesting. Your purpose is to help people. I see you kind of like, um, almost like. Like an occupational therapist, like someone that helps people become independent, do things independently, showing them how to buy groceries.

Yeah, it seems like working with people one-on-one. Uh, people with, um, maybe physical disabilities, um maybe someone on the spectrum.

Hmm. Yeah. That's really beautiful. Well, I hope that helps you along your path.

Hm. Yeah. That's that's. That was pretty quick. I'm not getting anything else.

Yeah, they definitely show me, show me, show me you. I don't know. I see you're in a parking lot. Walking with someone.

You know, showing them like, you know, look both ways and grabbing a cart and pushing it. Yeah. You like to help people.

Yeah, it's more physical. I was trying to ask about like, well, is it like speech pathology?

But they're showing me it's more of a physical thing, like kinda like occupational therapy.

Yeah, working with people, getting them to rehabbing them to do things on their own. Again, like, you know, like stroke people who are recovering from strokes. Okay. All right. So there's that question.

And let's see here's one, from one of my best friends. . Uh, "what is the best time for transformational change?"

Well, they, they have a wise ass answer, which is perfect because she is definitely a smart ass. Um, when it's time for transformational change, any change is going to be transformational because it's change.

And you don't have to wait. It's just for when you decide that you want to change something it's a transformation. So no matter how insignificant it may seem like, oh, I'm going to walk to work instead of driving to work, I'm going to ride my bike to work instead of doing that. Um, that's a pretty big change. It may not see, seem significant, but it has a ripple effect in your life.

So it doesn't need to be. For transformation, because they're saying, you're thinking like, oh, okay, I have to make this huge, I have to make these big, huge sweeping changes. When any choice you make. Is transformation. Because you're making a choice, it's creating change and thereby transforming things. Transcending things.

Transmuting things.

So, yes, any time that you feel like you want to make a choice.

I hope that helps.

One of my other friends asked:" how can I find a stable income?"

And "when will I get married"? That's what she is asking.

Well, I know in order for it to be stable, it needs to be something that you enjoy doing.

Because you can only do work that is that you're passionate about.

It's not about doing mindless work because that just doesn't suit your needs.

So being a bit entrepreneurial and going out and asking businesses if they need your services.

I see writing.

And really making a go of, writing. Even if it's just keeping like, a blog.

Maybe even teaching people how to write. How to write an essay, how to write stories, how to write articles, how to put together their thoughts into a cohesive form.

Because you do enjoy working with people.

And helping them. So, it'll be with writing. It's something you have to really have a discipline in keeping, on task. And getting work.

And it may just be. It may just be for a while.

You know, soliciting. You know, small businesses or bigger business owners, companies about . Doing some writing for them.

And "when you will get married, when will you get married?" Hmm.

Hmm, there's a part of you that hasn't wanted to. And it's more of something that acts that is expected of you.

But the question is, is why do you want to get married? Is it for you? To share your life with someone or is it because it's expected of you and once you make that distinction, Then the answer becomes clear either you do want to get married or you don't.

And then I have a question.

So my, I had a, new ceiling fan installed in the bedroom. And one of my cats is afraid of ceiling fans from a past experience where we had to evacuate from a huge forest fire about five, six years ago. And in two of the places we had evacuated to, two of my friend's homes. They had a ceiling fan and she wouldn't come out from under the bed or the bathroom in those two places.

And it's just going to take time, but I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do to help her get acclimated to the ceiling fan. She won't come into the bedroom, which is nice for us because we get to sleep in. And nobody's in my face, waking me up at the crack of dawn to, to eat.

So let's see.

Hmm. So they're showing me: visualize the fan moving and her being underneath it and feeling cool air. Would she doesn't like to feel cooler. She likes to be warm. She's a cat that likes heat. But.

To, to do that visualization.

They're sharing saying, which I know to be true. That her, that she, she wants to be in here and it'll just take her a few days. And the curious her curiosity.

Is is more than her fear of the fan.

And to show her that the fan. The, to visualize to her, to communicate to her that, that stays up there. And she stays down here and it won't ever touch her.

It won't ever bother her other than feeling a cool breeze. Okay. Okay, well, that's it. Those are all the questions that I got from the subreddit.

Yay, akashic records. I finally finished all those questions. So, thank you so much, subredditors from Akashic records for being patient with me. You probably already forgot, but I will post this link next week when it comes out on Monday.

And that I have the answers to your questions. So thank you once again for being here and listening.

And this is actually three years. I think I first made my first recording... I didn't release. I didn't start releasing episodes until September. But I started recording early on in the summer three years ago.

Uh, in 2020, and I think, I believe I had my first one on the 4th of July.

So I gotta, I gotta look at that. So it's, it's almost, it's the anniversary. Yay. Happy birthday to, to me and the confident healer podcast.

My name is Sharmila Mali. Thank you so much for being here today and I will see you next time. Bye.

Thank you so much for listening. You can find information about the guest or any links I referenced in the show notes. And would you help me grow the show by doing these two things? One sharing the podcast with someone that you think needs to hear it. And two supporting the podcast by becoming a patron and giving monthly or make a one time generous donation.

It helps me grow the show and I can just focus on making great episodes for you. You can listen, find the show notes and the PayPal link to donate all in one convenient location, the confidenthealer. net. Thank you so much for being here and we'll see you next week.

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